Design copy artists are 11 a dozen.
Copy, paste bake in mediocrities oven.
Originality of design has all but left.
Unique skill inception all but bereft.
Generation zodiacy want it all now.
Copy paste repeat designs golden cow.
Pin interest insta mood boards all of others.
Copying old songs, simply singing anothers covers.
Where is the 1 in a dozen original designer.
Doesn't seem like we will ever find them here.
To thine artistic design self always be true
In all we design & in all that we do.
Be original in your artistic wild expressions.
Your work will show honesty, integrity, compassion.
Respect is given to those who follow a unique vision.
Not to those with copy paste repeat skills of precision.
If your one of the eleven that i now speak.
Try be the 1 designer who is always humble meek.
Humility in approach will keep one well grounded.
Nothing new under the sun has man ever founded.
Go with godspeed and find your artistic expression.
A unique design awaits creation in one golden session.