Sunday, July 28, 2024

Heuristic advance

Storm pale moon beyond shadows cloud,

Veiled deeply behind a far misty shroud.

Illuminate behind the dark side of night,

Shadows cast by a pale floating satelite.

Viewpoints are hidden in our plain sight,

Awaiting the dawn for its stark bright light.

Our misty morn blue heuristic advance,

The yawning chasm of this morns last dance.

We await the son and the magnificent glory,

Of our new bright day to now complete this story. 

The moment of age we dont always realise stalks up on us quickly. Suddenly we are gripped, vice like, in a pythons stranglehold of age & our own weaknesses, disintegrations rough grasp. It is the realisation that our abilities not carefully performed & practiced, leave us vulnerable to our passions. our passions not carefully executed leave us vulnerable within this advancing heuristic storm fronts before dawn path. 

As a surfer drops like a cork into the maelstrom of a wild raging sea. Any passion involving raw nature & honed ability needs continued practice to stay alive. 

We must simply keep practicing our raw art. This Winter wild storm that rages within a storm. We also drop like a cork into the maelstrom of this frenetic life. We keep honing our skills & rather than getting overwhelmed by the currents. We must become skilled at harnessing the energy of the ocean currents around us - a heuristic advance.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Climatic point

Beyond our withered arms grasp.

light into deep shadow fading fast.

Trepidation stalks the pathway dark.

Light is limited recognise a spark. 

Out of reach in the pale moon light.

We question our wrongs & what is right?

Illuminated sorrow cuts us very deep.

Is this deed of my hands or of my own feet?

Is that a wild hoof or is it a twisted claw?

Just out there beyond a hairs breadth door.

What is it that i am able to now see?

Through my bound mind intellect is free?

Oh to look back beyond a future time veil.

Life of kind success or will the path i fail?

Worry about this connundrum i do much.

Is the answer to this life that i live as such. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Visions stark light

Seeing now within stark bright light,

A design so virtuous it defies whats right.

Mans perspective of that which is pure,

This imperfect life the life we try endure.

Daniels painted future, Ezekiels vision,

A design of such indepth holy precision.

Creation hewn from this earths sand,

Dust to dust the virtuous design, MAN!

Days of shortened night

As we walk the line of fire,

skipping around the embers of desire.

Our mind awakened by lucid thought,

Times in imagination that has been sought.

We look eyes wide towards the sky,

Our feet on earth appear to lie.

The ground beneath our step gives way,

As we try hold fast to this night & this day.

Freefalling into an unruly maelstroms wild storm, 

We get ripped asunder we simply must be reborn.

We seek now that which eludes our feeble grasp,

We now hold forever thoughts from a long long ago past.

Awake the night, sleep walk the cold dawn,

Lifes fire line has much trouble & is forlorn.

An inferno rages within our simple mind,

Spirituality the solice we must now try and find. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Digital heritage syndrome

A twenty second century culture loaded to the cloud.

Our digital legacy like a voice spoken to nobody out loud.
A rock sculpture hand print is behind the boot up binary shroud.
All Instruments destroyed future look back a confused in darkness crowd.
Nothing, nothing for generations hence to easily comprehend & to be proud.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Destinations road

I met a Rabid dog on the road to my father.

Its crazy song & dance was rather a huge palaver.

The Rabid dog insisted my leg must have its poison bite.
It would be really offended if i put up any sort of a fight.

I immediately took my bow & quickly took my leave.
Mad ideology like this, there is absolutely no reprieve.

Its times like this its best to run, its best to hide.

Rabid dogs are filled with a madness & with much idiotic pride.

Rare times one has no choice but to stand & fight.
Put down Rabid dogs in the name of what is logic & right.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Whispers into the chasm

I reached out to an AI inside my own tiny mind.

Whispered into the blackness trying very hard to find.

One simple answer to all of life that i will leave behind.
On a windswept frozen lake that my beset soul aligned.
While i push ever forward in this daily hard grind.

Perpetually digging within earths open pit mine.
Searching for meaning to life & a pertinent sign.

Wanting to know what the ties are that will bind.

A stand out answer, we simply must always be kind.